Sunday, November 7, 2010

Please Pray

Dear Friend,

I just want to write a short note saying please pray for Indonesia.

There have been many disasters here recently.
No, I am not near any of them.

First there was an earthquake and tsunami that wiped out a small island. Then there was horrible weather that relief teams could not even take the 9 hour boat ride to the island to help. Finally the storms have stopped and teams are starting to arrive.

There is a volcano that erupted and I just heard at church how the ash totally devastates everything and it keeps moving, so people are getting evacuated and moved to the safe zone, and then there is more ash and they have to move again because the 'safe zone' become not so safe anymore. Hospitals do not have enough space to treat everyone with burns. The ash turns into a cement sort of paste that coat your lungs if you breath it in. The fields that are covered in ash will not be fruitful for years to come. I remember seeing Mt. St. Helen and how the land that has not been touched still looks very dead and that blew up years ago! Houses and everything are covered in inches of ash which feels like sandpaper on your clothes. Also, airlines are canceling flights because of the ash in the air.

Indonesia needs prayer for the relief teams to be able to effectively help. Also, for people to not try to take advantage of those that have lost everything. For people to be able to find shelter and food. For God's helping hand to be seen through all of this.

Thanks friend,
I'm sorry I haven't written for a while.
I'll let you know how I am doing soon.

Rebekah E.

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