Saturday, November 20, 2010

How I came to Indonesia

Dear Friend,

Have I ever told you how I ended up in Indonesia?

After I graduated college I had every intention of staying in America. I was going to be the one Schmidt sister that lived in America while both my sisters went overseas to become missionaries and do great things. Well, obviously that did not happen, because I am not in America, and my sisters are not YET overseas. So when did my mind change? At what point did I say, "You know what? I think I will move overseas." Looking back I realize, it was this past summer after a long hot day of work.

I was working at college doing the usual: cleaning toilets, mopping floors, wiping windows, scrubbing banisters, changing trash etc. It was a very hot sticky sweaty day, when I got home and hopped into the shower, I decided to only use the cold water. I remember commenting out loud, "Hmm... taking showers with cold water isn't that bad. Now I know, if I had to live in a country that only had cold water, I would be just fine. But that isn't going to be me, Andrea is the one that will live in Nepal or India or something, not me, I'm the sister that will be living in America, where there is always hot water." Well, I think that little innocent statement of "I could live in a country that just had cold water for showers" was my sort of unconscious go-ahead showing God that I was ready to be pushed around.

Soon after that, I received an email sent out to all Covenant College Education graduates that did not yet have a job. It said, "There is a job position in Indonesia, if you are interested let me know." I remember watching a presentation about this school earlier that year, it was a good presentation, but it wasn't for me, I was the Schmidt girl that was going to live in America.

I mentioned the job to my friend who instantly started saying that I was going to move to Indonesia, get married and never come back. "NO! I'm the one staying in America, Hannah and Andrea are the ones going international," I protested. "Nope, you are moving to Indonesia, I just know it," she proudly replied.

Within ONE week, God closed all the doors to MY plans, meaning the jobs I was pursuing came to dead ends. So I said, "Okay, I will reply to those people in Indonesia just in case that is where God wants me."

Within ONE week I received and filled out an application, had a phone interview and was offered the job.
FOUR weeks later, I was in Indonesia preparing to be the new 'bule' teacher at SPH-LC.

I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this was a God thing and that I am supposed to be in Indonesia. I love it here. I feel perfectly at home, and honestly, I can't see myself leaving for a very long time. I told a friend recently, "If I ever go back to America, God will probably have to get me fired or something that drastic to tell me it's time to go back." I don't really have much pulling me back to America. "What about friends and family?" you may say. Well, my family is already all over the world (spread across Japan, America, Switzerland, and Brazil) and so are my friends. It's true, I have left many dear friends in America, but they will always be dear friends. If I leave Indonesia, I will be leaving friends here too. Ah the blessed trials of being international. Your friends are everywhere, which is good, but also not. Thank God for skype.

Anyways, there it is my friend, the story of how I ended up in Indonesia, my new home. In case you were wondering, I actually do have hot water, provided by a little water heater hovering above my shower, but I just visited a friends house and they don't have hot water, which is typical in Indonesia.

Till next time,
(In the Indonesian Bible, Rebekah is spelled: Ribka... isn't that beautiful sounding... I almost want to introduce myself as Ribka not Rebekah, but I haven't had the guts to yet :-)


  1. Bekah, I am so inspired by your willingness to follow God's lead. I love you and was so glad to talk to you the other day. I still consider you a great friend even though we are far away.

    Love, Jess

  2. JB- I consider you to be a great friend too. I enjoyed talking to you too!

  3. I love you, my Ribka - I like the sound of that. Can't wait to talk to you soon! :)
