Monday, November 22, 2010

Marriage and Children

Dear Friend, 

How are you? I just wanted to quickly share a couple of silly anecdotes with you.

"So Rebekah, what age do you see yourself getting married?" This is a question that I was asked, more than once, by one of my friends at work. Both times I gave the same reply, "twenty-one," followed by laughter, since I am currently 22. But honestly, when I was growing up I had a plan to get through college in 3 years so that I could graduate at 21 and get married. I mean, what else do you do after college if not get married right? I had it so planned out that I was going to take as many highschool AP courses possible so that I would start college as a sophmore. I know it is possible because  when I was in Elementary, I remember hearing that Benji Bailey did that (If he really did, I have no idea, I was in elementary, I didn't even really know what college was!). Well, once I got to highschool I realized that I really didn't want to take that many AP courses. So there went my plan for getting married at 21.

Another common question I've received is, "how many kids do you want?" If you know me very well, you will know that I used to say, "However many God gives me... I guess I will think about stopping after 10 kids." Everyone would laugh, thinking I was joking, but I was slightly serious, I wanted a lot of kids. Well, last night as I was trying to fall asleep this question popped into my head and I realized, "I can't have 10 kids! It would be near impossible to fly my whole family around the world to visit relatives if I had 10 kids." I can't believe I hadn't ever thought of this before, because it's a very relevant point. My family is undoubtedly going to be all over the world. I honestly don't know if my parents, sisters and I will ever be in the same country for more than a year ever again. So, if I had 10 kids, it would cost a fortune to fly them to see my parents or sisters. "Well, your family could just come visit you!" True, but I want my kids to experience other countries and cultures. I would hate to deprive them of that privilege. Perhaps if I marry a pilot, or someone with an extreemly wealthy long lost uncle, then it would be possible... but that's not very likely.

What about you? When did or do you see yourself getting married? How many kids do you want?

Your friend,
Rebekah E.


  1. Oh Becka so many questions going through my head now. Yikes!! Lets all just move to Switzerland. Solves all our problems. JUST KIDDING.

  2. I would like to be married by 25. Ahh, 2 more years! I must get on that :) No, but really, I used to always say that I would be married before my parents got married... I think my dad was 29 and my mom was 25? I thought that was so old to get married! Ha, what did I know?

    Kids. I want to adopt. So who knows.
