Sunday, November 14, 2010

Known in 4 Months

Dear Friend,

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have written. How are you? I'm doing well, it is crazy to think that I have been here for four months now, 1/3 of a year, unbelievable. There is so much I have done and still so much I have not done. I have this mentality of 'I don't have to do it all within the first months, I am here for a while, eventually I will go there, or do that.' For example, we have a spa here that is apparently incredible, as good or better than the ones in Bali, it is only $12 and I haven't been yet! I know, crazy right? But eventually I'll go.

One thing that I have noticed recently is how small Lippo Cikarang is. It is so small that I am known here by the security guards, the ojek drivers, and even the bus drivers. I have 3 example stories for you.

ONE: I was walking to catch the bus for church a couple of weeks ago and as I am leaving the neighborhood the security guard says, "Good morning, Miss Rebekah, where are you going today?" "Church," I reply. Then I thought... hmmm, should I just have said Jakarta, and not church, since there are many muslims around, but then again, God says to be bold about our faith, so I figured, 'church' was a fine response. Don't worry, I haven't ever felt any resentment or anything towards me from Muslims or anyone. Indonesians are so kind, helpful, welcoming etc. Honestly, I have never felt scared or nervous when I have been out in Jakarta or walking around in Lippo Cikarang.
ONE and a HALF: Once I was walking home from Ms. Amy's house, we live in the same neighborhood. A security guard drove by on his motorbike and said, "Goodnight Ms. Rebekah." I guess it is safe to say, the security guards know who I am.

TWO: Recently when I have gone to our little mall, I have gone after school to quickly buy something important that I need for school or the house. It is usually getting dark, or already dark when I am leaving, so I typically decide to ride an ojek home, it's faster and I don't like to walk at night by myself. So I walk to where the ojeks are, tell them I want an ojek, and before I tell them where I live, they iether ask me "Dago Villas?" or one of the other ojek drivers will say it, telling their friend, "Dago, Dago Villa, ja?" This has happened more than once, should I be scared that they know the nieghborhood I live in? Probably not. I mean, it is a small town, they probably know where almost everyone lives since they drive us everywhere... perhaps I'm a little more memorable since I am one of the tall bule (albino) woman, and there aren't many of us here. I can think of 4 in Lippo Cikarang, and we all live in the same neighborhood, not too hard to remember, right?

THREE: There is a bus that goes from Lippo Cikarang to Jakarta and back. I catch this bus to go to church on Sunday mornings, and occasionally I will catch the bus on the way back from church. Well, the other Sunday I was hanging out with a friend after church. As we were walking to one of the malls I saw the bus driving towards us, I looked and shook my head and my hand telling them I wasn't getting on, because they recognized me and were about to stop. Actually, I am very grateful that they do know me. One day after church I was walking to catch the bus. You have to walk up and over this bridge that crosses the 6 lanes of traffic. As I am decending the bridge I see the bus coming by. If I miss the bus, I have to wait at least 45 minutes for the next bus to come. I quickly run to catch it. When I finally get to the bottom, I realized they had stopped the bus and were waiting for me. They must have seen me on the overpass and knew I was going to be getting on. I was SO thankful to God for that!

I have to get ready for school now,
I hope you have a wonderful week!

Rebekah E.

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