Friday, September 10, 2010

Southern Cross!!!

Dear Friend,

Tonight I was at my friends house watching a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. As I walked home I looked at the sky and saw the stars and realized that this was the first time I noticed the new night sky of Indonesia. Since I am now on the other side of the equator I am seeing stars I have never seen before! I saw the southern cross for the first time! I was so excited!

I love looking at the night sky, but I haven't been out much at night here in Indonesia. So I am grateful for the reminder that this is a new sky of stars to me. I need to enjoy them while I can!

My vacation is starting out well. I haven't done much. I've cleaned the house, done some laundry, and started my project. Whenever I have a long vacation I like to have a project. My new project is making a purse, a little side purse out of traditional batik material. Unfortunately I do not have a sewing machine... so it is taking a while, but I have 12 more days of vacation and no plans with anyone to do anything so there is plenty of time to hand sew a purse... I just have to create the pattern and figure out how to do it! Which is half the fun! Maybe I'll try to show you a picture when it is done!

With love,
Rebekah E.


  1. Cool! Someday I will come visit you and see those stars too. I hope your purse is coming along. Did you decide on a design and did you finish the straps? Ashley just bought a shirt that has braided straps - it made me think of you.
    You inspired me to sew, so I'm trying to finish my beige skirt today. I wish I could just send you a sewing machine!
    Love you!

  2. It's so neat for you to get to see the stars on the other side of the world. I think of you often, and prayers are sent up often. I am going to Barger Elementary to see ST tomorrow. Katie M. has a job there teaching 3rd grade. She started last week.
    I hope you are enjoying teaching L. Arts. It has always been my favorite.
    Enjoy your vacation!
    Cathy H.
