Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cat or Dog?

Dear Friend,

Are you a cat or a dog person? I am a cat person. It started a long time ago with my sister. She is a dog person, AN EXTREME DOG PERSON! We would be driving in a car and she would see a dog and be able to name the kind of dog AND at least five details about him. If it was a good house dog, if it shed a lot, what size it can grow to be etc. Well growing up, we roomed together, so naturally we had many conflicts. Since she was a dog person, I in turn was a cat person. Although, in actuality my favorite animal is a koala... don't know why, it just is! 

In Indonesia cats are seen as street animals. There are many stray cats around, I even saw two adorable kittens and their mother one night. I wanted to go pet them, then thought I better not, or else they may hang around my house. I may be a cat person, but at the end of the day, I am not a pet person. I can't currently justify using my time caring for a pet, feeding it, washing it, entertaining it, and taking care of it.

I do, as of last night, have a little pet in my house though. A mouse! I saw it yesterday. I was watching TV and he hopped in and hid underneath my drawers holding up my TV. He is a cute little gray mouse with an adorable little hop. I left him there after a while and went to my room. Then I went back to the TV room and he decided it was too noisy or something and scampered away. I followed him into the bathroom and watched as he came out, ran along the wall, and hid under the fridge. I don't know where he went from there. I suppose I should try to shoo him outside, but then the cats will get him! If it was a rat I would be totally freaked out, but I don't mind a mouse. Mouse, not mice... as long as it is only one, I'm okay with it. In Indonesia all the floors are tile and the walls are cement, so the mouse does not have a little mouse hole that he can climb into the walls from. Instead, he has to stealthily walk along the walls and hide behind big bulky things. I say stealthily because this cute little mouse walks the way we pretend to play FBI. He walks along the wall, pauses at a corner, then scampers on. I wonder if I will see him today.

Today is the first day of vacation. I have a cold, so vacation came just a the right time. I want to get a routine down so that I don't feel like I am wasting my days. Everyday the floor needs to be swept and mopped because it is tile and gets dirty really fast. So I will wake up, read or exercise, and then clean the house! One thing I know how to do is mop a floor, thanks to working for BEST for four years! My vacation is 10 days long. It is a Muslim holiday, Idul Fitri also known as Lebaran. I call this their version of Christmas. At the grocery store people were buying boxes of chips and cookies... like the shipping boxes! I saw a whole cart full of chips, it was crazy!!! Everyone travels back to their hometown to be with their families bringing tons of food and presents.

I should probably see if I can actually start a routine for this holiday.
Hopefully I will get better soon.

I am a little worried that I will just stay at home or go work at school for all 10 days. If I stay at home that long, and am by myself the whole time... hmmm... I may end up going crazy. God is good though, so I'm sure he will have people intervine at the right time and offer to take me somewhere or do something with me. We'll see!

Have a great rest of the week!
Rebekah E.

1 comment:

  1. Rebekah,

    You are so brave! Watching and then following the mouse. Remember the winter I first had mice and we would not want to get off the couches because the mouse was running around behind the couches... YUCK.

    I hope you are resting a lot and having fun planning for when you get back to school. I hope you also have some friends to do things with this week.

    Love you!

