Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cockroaches and Sports

Dear Friend,

HELP!!! I have a cockroach on my floor. He is turned upside down and can't seem to turn himself over. I think I am just going to leave him there until he dies, because to squash him would be nasty. Cockroaches here are like they are in Japan, about the size of dried dates. I could place a cup or something over him like my sister does, but I don't really have extra cups. Ewwww gross. Where is my dad? Yuck!

Sorry, what a horrible way to start out a letter! How are you doing? I had a good week. We started book month and all my lessons revolve around the different stories that the students are reading, so that brings more cohesiveness to my lessons.

This week I was so athletic! I started helping the senior school girls after school basket ball program. I'm not the best basketball player or anything, but it is fun to learn and get some exercise. After practice I get one of the PE teachers to unlock the ball cage and I get out a Volleyball. (That's the whole reason why I play basketball... to be able to play volleyball afterward.) They don't have a volleyball program here... yet... so I just play by myself to get back in shape with volleyball skills. Anyways, so basketball practice is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then on Thursday we had a staff volleyball game which was so fun. A few of us stayed later and kept playing for another hour! Then on Friday I played badminton with a few people after school. Badminton is the sport of Indonesia. In fact, it is the only sport they show during the Olympics. This is hard for me to imagine, but it is true. So I need to improve in this sport. The first game I played was with partners and we lost 2-30. Ha!!!! It was so fun though. The only downside is, somehow I sprained my ankle, so this whole weekend I have been bumming around my house trying to stay off of it.

Well friend, I need to get ready for church now. Sorry for the random letter.
Till next time!

Rebekah E.

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