Friday, March 25, 2011

"There's no place like home"

Dear Friend,

Today at a staff meeting, the curriculum coordinator said something that triggered a thought in my mind, which has led me to write this letter.

You know in The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had to tap her ruby red slippers and say, "There's no place like home" three times. Once she did that she managed to go home. I sat in that meeting musing over this thought. If I had magic ruby red slippers like that and said those words, where would they take me? Where does my subconsciousness consider home? Would it be Japan, Switzerland, America or even Indonesia?

People used to say, "Home is where the heart is," to which I would reply, "Home is where my pillow is." Seriously, even if I was staying overnight in a hotel and my sisters and I were eating dinner. If I was done, I would say, "Time to go home" meaning, back to the hotel room.

I was talking to a dear friend about this concept of home and they wisely pointed out to me, "Home is in heaven." I guess the saying, "Home is where the heart is" is true, because if heaven is our home and our hearts are living for God, then our hearts are in heaven.

It's funny, having lived in many different countries I occasionally get confused or frustrated by the question, "where are you from?" I don't know! Then when I try to figure it out and rank my countries by which is most like home, I get even more flustered, because honestly I can't rank them. Perhaps this is because, deep down, I know none of them are my true home. My home is in heaven, and I am patiently waiting for the day to finally go home and know it is home.

That was my thought for the day,
What thoughts have you had recently?

Your friend,

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, agreed and agreed. So true Bek. I've had many thoughts like that and I cling to the verse that our citizenship is in heaven. I think wherever I live I make my home and enjoy it, and my heart loves each one in it's own way. Ultimately it is not about a place, but like you said, where our heart is - which should be set on God and doing His will here on earth. Love your thoughts, sis. See you in a little while.
