Friday, March 18, 2011

Ice Cream Floats... or not

Dear Friend,

Last night I went to a friends house to hang out. She had asked me on Monday if I wanted to hang out and told me to think about what we should eat. All I could think of was, "I want to have an ice cream float." You know, with ice cream and coke (since it would probably be hard to find root beer here). So Friday comes around and I run to the convenient store to buy ice cream and coke. Now I had been thinking about these floats the whole week and was very excited. It's no fun to make an ice cream float for yourself, you have to have other people there.

I arrived at her house, got some glasses, and dished out the ice cream. The vanilla ice cream looked more yellow than white, but I figured it was just a different brand of ice cream. I slowly poured in the coke, watching the big bubbles form. It looked delicious! I grabbed my spoon and tried some of the bubbles... it tasted a little weird, not like a normal coke float. Perhaps the vanilla ice cream is just different than in America. I started to put the ice cream into the fridge while licking the ice cream scoop. That's when I realized it. The ice cream was not vanilla ice cream. It was DURIAN ice cream! Durian is this fruit that smells quite strong, some people might even say it smells like feet. I like durian, I can eat it, BUT NOT IN MY FLOAT! It totally changed the taste of the float. Sad day! So much for my much anticipated ice cream float!

It was a funny experience though. Now every time I buy ice cream I will make sure it says Vanilla and Chocolate and not Durian and Chocolate.

Perhaps we will just have to have the real ice cream floats when I see you next.
Your friend,
Rebekah E.

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