Friday, August 13, 2010

My One Month Gift

Dear Friend,

Friday was the mark of my first month in Indonesia. I arrived on the 13th of July. As a 'happy one month' present my body decided to give me either food poisoning or the 24 hour bug. Yup that's right, I was up all night and had to miss school on Friday thanks to this one month present. Thankfully it went away 24 hours later. I just wonder what will be my two month gift. (-:

It was good to know I had so many friends praying for me to get better! Even if I am in a new country without knowing too many people here, I am still able to talk to and write to others and let them know what is going on. That definitely was comforting.

So during devotions I have been reading the book of Daniel. I hadn't realized that when Shadrack, Meshack and Abendego are thrown into the furnace and then come out unharmed or anything, king Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God and declares that anyone that says anything against God would be cut to pieces. And he was the ruler of a vast area, of people from all over and of many different languages. Then Nebuchadnezzar went crazy and only when he humbled himself before God was his sanity restored and he declared "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven...." (Daniel 4:37). Then, when Daniel is thrown into the lions den and comes out unharmed the King Darius declares to all the nations that everyone must revere the God of Daniel. That's as far as I have read so far, but I am just impressed that these rulers of so many people would declare and testify to everyone about the might of God.

That was way back then, I wonder how the rulers and high up people in this day and age are being influenced or touched by God and how it is affecting their lives and the lives of others. SPH has a goal of raising Christian servant leaders so that these students can study and become high up Christian leaders in Indonesia and have such a good influence on the country. I am excited to see what the future brings with that.

Till next time my friend,

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog and continue to pray for you. New teachers always get those 24 hr. presents from their students. Glad to hear you are better.
