Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dinner, Long Sleeves & Downpours

Dear Friend,

Would you like to come over for dinner some time? I miss eating with people. It is a drastic change eating with multiple people a week at college to not having anyone to eat with. I mean in college if you wanted to you could eat alone, you could eat in the great hall with tons of people that you recognize but few that you know, you could have a friend down to the apartments to share a meal, you could have a friend over to watch you eat and have a good conversation, or you could even go to 75 cent tacos at Amigos... the list goes on and on. Now I find myself eating dinner alone without the option of having anyone over to have a conversation with or to share a meal. Drastic change? I think so.

Another thing I know I will miss soon enough is long sleeves. Since we are on the equator the temperature is not going to change. There are two seasons wet and dry, but not cold! I like cold! I like wearing long sleeves, they are my cozy comfort clothes. Hopefully I will be going to Japan for Christmas where I will have to wear long sleeves! Yeay!

In case you are wondering, we are currently in the dry season. There has been some rain, but not too much. Thankfully, I have not been caught in a downpour yet. I'm sure I will at some point, I am kind of excited for that. Imagine with me: you are walking home after a long day of work; you walk slowly because of your heavy bag on your shoulder full of work things to do at home. All of a sudden the heavens let loose a massive bucket of water. Perhaps you begin to run so you don't get drenched, then you stop, realizing that you are already drenched so getting home in two minutes or five minutes won't make much of a difference. You smile and decide to causally walk home. While walking, you think of how exciting it is to get caught in the rain with no option but to get wet. You stop, look up at the sky and just enjoy this experience that may not happen to often. Thankfully it is warm so you are not freezing and shivering, you are just wet. Finally you are home, in a dry place. At this point I hope you are laughing with enjoyment at being drenched. The only thing better than this is if you had a friend that was walking home with you that also got drenched so you both could enjoy the moment together. I think that would be fun, don't you?

I'm sure I will let you know if it happens,
Your friend,

P.S. Ramadan began today. That is where Muslims fast from sun up to sun down. They are not even allowed to drink anything. Pray for them, this fast is 30 days long.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 30 days of prayer booklet praying for them during Ramadan- every year I get a pamphlet - so I am praying :) Love you!
