Sunday, December 19, 2010


Dear Friend,

Hi! How is your Christmas holiday? Mine is starting out well. I made it safely to my parents house, and have talked a mile a minute since I arrived and probably won't stop until I leave. There is just so much to tell my parents, and it is so much fun when I can see them face to face!

Before I saw my parents today though, I had a 7 hour layover in Narita. Thankfully it was an airport I am most familiar with. Did you know that I have been to at least 23 different airports in 11 different countries? Seven hours is a long time, so I had time to count them out. I also had plenty of time to journal, reflect, think, pray, and I even wrote down a blog while I ate a double cheese burger at McDonalds. So here is my blog transported from paper into cyberspace.

Today as I sat in the blue chairs at Narita airport, I watched people pass through the security check to head towards their international destinations. So many different emotions filled the area! To my left, one grandchild tormentingly cried because grandpa was leaving, to my right two sweethearts were hugging a final goodbye. A few minutes later I heard the stressed voice of a father reprimanding his son for riding on the luggage carts. Groups excitedly headed out on a new adventure, families were leaving together counting to make sure they had every child, and some people had no one to say good-bye to. I wonder what everyone's story is. Where is he going? Is she going home, or leaving home? Did they just meet during this trip, or have they known each other for years? I wonder.

Do you get emotional when you travel? Do you tear up when you have to say good-bye? I have been traveling since I was 9 months old, and I never used to get emotional. I remember leaving Switzerland as a six year old. It was the first time I was conscious of being in Switzerland, the first time I met my Swiss relatives. It was a fun few months, but now it was time to go back to Japan. My godmother, who is also my aunt, dropped us off at the airport. She gave us all hugs and was getting teary eyed. I gave her a hug, said good-bye and was ready to go. I had to carry my older sisters massive teddy bear because I was the 6 year old so I should carry the doll, I didn't like dolls and felt silly. We showed the man in the uniform our passports and tickets, walked through the gates and headed up the escalator. I remember looking over the teddy bears head, through the big glass wall, at my godmother and I tried to look sad as I waved one last time. I thought I was an odd cold hearted child since I didn't feel sad and wasn't crying. Today I realized why I never used to cry at airports... and it is not because I was cold-hearted. I was always leaving with my family. The four people that mattered the most to me were still with me, so what was there to be sad about?

It wasn't until I was in highschool that I got teary-eyed at an airport. I was heading for America to attend a mission trip. I was fine saying good-bye to my parents, but then as I stepped on the escalator going down to departures, I looked up and saw my parents through another glass window. As they disapeared from my view, I felt a knot in my throat. I was traveling alone for the first time, no family was with me, I did no know what may happen. Naturally I would cry. Wouldn't you?

Now, I can't help but get teary-eyed when I say bye to family, because the four people I care about most are not traveling with me. We always try to be so brave and not cry, but it never works. When my sisters dropped me off at the airport so I could move to Indonesia, I cried. We all did. We had no idea when we would see each other again. In fact, we still don't! I am with my parents now, but after the holiday when I go back home to Indonesia, I won't know when I will see them again. We don't even know when our whole family will be together again. That's a scary thought! Thankfully, I have the assurance of Christ, that He is in control of everything.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family that loves to travel. I love traveling with my parents and sisters, watching movies together, playing card games or talking. Now, I travel alone. I always wonder... when will I get to travel with someone again? Someone I love and never have to leave. When will I be traveling with my own children, knowing that my family is once again traveling with me. God knows when, I love that He knows and that He has it all planned out.

All this from sitting in an airport. Seven hours is a long time to be alone and think.

Your Friend,
Rebekah Edith

1 comment:

  1. Rebekah,
    As always, thought provoking. I've thought of many of the same questions as I people watch at airports. The last part made me cry... I love you much and I am glad we serve a Savior who holds all things together in His hand. I miss you, but I'm glad you get to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad. See you on Skype.
